Course Details

Region: North West | Venue: Facethetics Training | Duration: 3 Days

Contact Details

Facethetics Training

Alison Stananought

1a Woodlands Road
L17 0AJ

0151 559 0865


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For more information on this course please add your name, email and tel below.

Duration: 3 day + e-learning
Level: Foundation
Price: 3 Days £2,365 + VAT
Entry Requirements:
This course is open to the following medical professionals;


All applicants will be assessed individually on experience, skills and knowledge.

Day one: Foundation botulinum toxin (10 cpd hours) Full day course including pre-course e-learning.
The first day of your three-day course Willteach you how to safely and successfully carry out treatments using botulinum toxin.

Before attending this stage of the course, we recommend that you come as prepared as possible by reading our interactive e-learning materials; This helps ensure that you can experience the full benefits that the course offers.

What is botulinum toxin (Botox)?
Botulinum toxin, more commonly known as botox, is a Popularinjectable neurotoxin that is used to treat wrinkles and lines on the face caused by repeated facial movements and expressions such as smiling and frowning.

What’s involved in botox treatment?
Administering botox only takes a matter of minutes as a small amount of the substance is injected into specific muscles that cause lines using a fine needle.

Once administered, the muscles start to relax, and the affected areas of the skin smooth out with visible results usually found 10 - 14 days after treatment.

Due to botulinum toxin preventing any muscle contractions, the treatment also prevents any new lines and wrinkles from appearing. The effects of botox treatment can last between 3 to 6 months.

How can I prepare for botox training?
As outlined above, we strongly urge you to read our pre-course e-learning materials before training; This Willhelp you prepare for what’s included in the training so you can fully benefit from each stage of the course.

Pe-course materials provided cover the following topics:

Skin & facial anatomy
What is botulinum toxin
How botulinum toxin works
Storage & dilution
Assessing lines and wrinkles
Treatment areas covered include: Nasalis muscle/”Bunnyscrunch” (Prevents the compensation lines from a glabella treatment), glabella “frown lines”, frontalis “forehead lines”, crows feet
Patient selection and treatment options
Case studies
Product placement
Managing expectations
Consultation, contraindications and aftercare
Practical injection technique & observation

What happens during day 1 of training?
The first day of training Willinvolve an interactive presentation covering all aspects of botox treatment, a review of your e-learning materials, and a practical learning session with a demonstration on correctly administering botox to patients.

How does practical botox training work?
Upon completing the interactive presentation, you Willalso be given time to undertake a full medical consultation with your assigned model. This Willinvolve assessing their face, determining whether they are suitable for treatment and letting them know side effects and risks involved with the treatment.

Once the above has been completed, you Willthen be able to carry out treatment on your model under the close supervision of our trained educator. Practical sessions enable delegates to observe a wide range of treatment techniques and processes that are difficult to interpret on paper.

Click here for more information.

Day two: Foundation dermal filler (14 cpd hours) Full day course including pre-course e-learning.
The second day of treatment Willinvolve learning how to safely administer dermal fillers.

Pre-course materials are provided before the training day, and it’s strongly urged that these materials are used before attending.

How does the dermal filler training course work?
The course is designed to make you a safe and successful aesthetic practitioner. To achieve this, we Willneed you to digest all e-learning materials provided before the course starts so you are fully prepared for what’s in-store when training starts.

When preparing for the course, we would also recommend that you create a list of questions to ask your educator on the day. By thoroughly preparing for the class, you can help ensure that you are confident enough to carry out the practical stage of the course.

Our educators Willimmediately introduce you to delivering treatments with aesthetic cannula as Partof this stage of the course. You Willbe shown how to use needle and cannula techniques using the following indications:

Nasolabial folds
Marionette lines
Zygomatic volume replacement
Malar volume replacement
What happens during day 2 of training?
The morning schedule Willfirst involve a chat about any worries/Concerns about the treatment. If you have any questions before starting the training, after this, you Willthen Moveon to a further discussion about the theory behind dermal filler treatment, including facial anatomy and physiology, different dermal filler products available, and injection techniques.

Due to the importance of patient consent and the consultation phase of dermal filler treatment, you Willbe provided with all the documentation needed when undertaking the treatment at your practice.

Once all the above has been completed, we Willtake a lunch break and then Moveon to the practical phase of the course in the afternoon. The practical phase Willinvolve putting your skills and newly acquired knowledge into practice by providing treatments to models under the guidance of our trained practitioners.

What are dermal fillers?
Dermal fillers are designed to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the face and help lift and enhance facial contours to give a more youthful appearance.

How does dermal filler treatment work?
Dermal fillers are administered using a syringe in very small doses to specific areas of the face and head such as around the eyes, along the jawline, around the lips and the forehead. The number of injections required and where they’re administered on the face and head depends on the type of filler that is used and what results the patient desires.

Results can be seen immediately following treatment as the filler softens or plumps out the sunken area or lines on the face.

After the injection, bruising and swelling are also expected and Willdisappear naturally days after treatment.

Depending on what type of filler has been used, the results of the treatment can last from 4 to 20 months.

Click here for more information.

Day three: Universallips (12 cpd hours)
The 3rd day is optional. If you would prefer to just do the first two days and then come back at a later date to train in Universallips, this is fine.

This stage of the course Willlook to build upon your acquired dermal filler knowledge by giving you the tools needed to make a clinical judgement on what techniques to use when treating a patient’s lips to achieve the most successful outcome.

We Willlook to teach you how to examine the evidence-based applied anatomy of the lip so you can determine the most effective and safest way to inject hyaluronic acid into the lip.

Upon completing this stage of the course, you should be fully competent in volumising and contouring lips.

The course has a total of 36 cpd hours, with the following included:

All consultation documents
Video to help you learn anatomy
Video of consultation
Video of dermal filler treatment being delivered
Information to help you get started: What products and consumables are needed to deliver the treatment and where to purchase these items from
Optional starter KitFree follow-on observation days
Optional workshops
Ongoing support
Access to merz educational platform
Aesthetic software to manage your business & patients
Free observation: If you feel that you need that additional support or life got in the way immediately after training, with adequate notice, we can book you onto the afternoon of another course to watch the procedure being done on our models. We just ask for a £30 deposit. This can then go on account towards future training, it Willnot be refunded. If you do not turn up for the observation day, without 2 weeks notice, the deposit Willbe lost.

If you pay a deposit of £150 for your advanced training whilst attending this course, you Willsave £180 off the cost of the advanced course.

Optional days 4 - 6 (Inclusive in cost): Continuous professional development:-
Clinical aesthetic injectable observations
Additional 8 cpd hours per day.

Venue Details: Facethetics Training

Venue Address:1a Woodlands Road , LiverpoolLiverpool, L17 0AJ

Fee: £2365 (VAT excluded) | Refreshments Provided

Aesthetic Training Room Facilities Large Training Room Screen (HDMI & USB Compatible) Chairs With Desks Sink Treatment Beds Toilet Facilities Air Con & Heating Free WIFI Lounge Area With Comfy Seating, TV Screen, Tea & Coffee Facilities Free Parking In Surrounding Streets Surrounded By Cafe & Shops

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Training courses listed on are neither run nor organised by or The Consulting Room ( We do not validate, accredit or verify the quality or educational content of training courses in any way. It is up to the individual to ask to see CPD or qualification certification and to do due diligence to satisfy themselves of the course quality when applying with the provider.

You will need to contact the listed provided directly using the contact information on the left hand side of this page in order to enquire about the specific training course. Please do not contact us directly.